Top 10 Tips To Streamline Your Digital Advertising Testing

Testing ads can be tough and everything about digital ad testing matters. There are a lot of tests that can be done to see which works best, but it will be best to streamline your options to maximize your budget. Good ad testing leads to getting more information to make better ads. 

What information do I need for my ad testing? 

You are testing ads for more information to make guided decisions in the future. You will be needing information from all of the stakeholders of your campaign. First, you will be needing information from your prospects. They are one of your primary concerns because they are the people that you want to guide with their purchase journey, and eventually turn them into paying customers. 

Next, you need information from your customers already. You need to know if they are happy with the current setup of the product or service, or if they want to change and improve something. This will help you retain them as lifelong customers and partners of your brand or service. 

You also need information about the products themselves. This will be the main content of your ad campaign and ad testing. It will be best to have more information about the product even before the ad test. It will also help you determine the type of test or variety of combinations that you will need to do an ad test on. 

Lastly, one of the primary goals of ad testing is to gather more information about your brand. Ad testing will tell you who your brand resonates with the most. Knowing the audience who will respond the most to your campaign will be your edge because it means that you will get to know the people that you should be targeting. Audience responding to your brand means traffic, conversion, and sales. 

Knowing information about your prospects, customers, products, and brand will be your goals with ad testing. 

Here are ten tips to streamline your digital advertising testing: 

1. Know your campaign goal

Before starting to plan out everything from budgeting to producing content, you should determine a goal. It will be best to know what your desired outcome should be because it will help you track and set up the metrics. You should always have a measurable goal. 

2. Brainstorm ad ideas 

After determining a definitive goal, you can now sit down with your team and brainstorm ideas for your campaign. It will be best to get as many ideas as possible and check out those that are best suited for your product or service. You can also get ideas not only from your colleagues but from your competitors too. Know the latest updates and trends to know which approach the audience responds to. 

After brainstorming, you should record and collate them in a sheet for everyone to discuss. It will be easier to cross out the things that are not aligned with the goals that you’ve set at the beginning. 

3. Send out pre-campaign qualitative ad surveys

When planning to do a large campaign, it will be best to send various concepts and campaigns to different audiences before the launch. Giving out ad surveys is one of the best ways to gather data. Make sure to have a high-quality survey for the effort and time to be worth it. The result of the ad surveys can help with the launch of the ad campaign. 

In your surveys, it’s ideal to add information that will help with ad effectiveness, people’s feedback about the product or service, brand perception, and respondent’s basic information. 

4. Knows specs ahead of time

Before launching a campaign for ad testing, you should know the exact specifications of the assets that you are planning to use. It will save you time if you know ahead of time the size of the banners and other collaterals. You should have a matrix that will be your guide when posting assets on different social media platforms. 

5. Create briefs for graphic design requests

When communicating with your graphic designers, you should have a clear idea or vision for your campaign. Have your idea written and it should be detailed. This will help the graphic designer and will save lots of time too in revising the assets. 

6. Follow the band guidelines

By now you should have concrete guidelines for your brand. Consistency is key. You should always stick to your brand identity. This will help people recall your brand easily whenever you put out new content. Whenever you do ad testing you should also check if the campaign and assets are aligned with your brand. 

7. Templatize your ad creative 

Having a template will save you time from doing assets over and over again. Lock the settings in the tools that you are using when generating your assets and creative collaterals. This will also avoid having production fatigue. The creative will not get bombarded with requests if you already have a template on hand. 

8. Organize and store your creative assets

Use a tool or cloud where you can store and organize your assets. It will be easier if all of the production can access those assets in case they need them. This will help maximize the time that you have of looking or asking people around for the assets that you need right away. 

9. Apply A/B split testing best practices

These best practices will save you both time and resources when launching content for split testing. You can follow the scientific method as a process to follow. Start with the question, next research, then make your hypothesis, experiment, after that get the data to analyze, finally come up with a conclusion based on the results. 

10. Use A/B testing tools

There are built A/B testing tools in most of the platforms and you should utilize those. You should calculate significant results and differences from testing tools. You can easily test it out and wait for the results to come up. The results will be great data for your campaign. 

Final thoughts

Digital advertising and ad campaigns can be daunting enough, how much more testing them to see which are the most effective. These tests can be arduous for startups and those who just set up a website and are starting to plan out campaigns. It’s ideal to consult Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and trusted agencies who have been in the industry and have variable knowledge in the art and science of ad testing. The future is here and it will be an excellent investment to hire or consult SMEs to make sure that you are on the right track to reach your goals. 

Let us help you in testing your video content that’s integral to the success of your campaigns.

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