Learn from the Best Ads in your Industry

“The farther back you can look,
the farther forward you are likely to see.”
– Winston Churchill

Advertising is a highly competitive industry; it’s especially brutal when you need to advertise a product that’s similar to many of your close competitors. Your commercials will need that extra pizzazz to stand out.

What if you can learn from past successes—not just your own, but from your competitors’ as well? Spot Trender gives you the tools and insights to duplicate successful ads, and take your new commercials to the next level. Let’s look at how:

Scenario: Supposed you’re in a highly competitive industry, and your products are very similar to your competitors. You want to find out what compelled people to buy after they saw top commercials.

  1. Select the top commercials in your industry

Put together a list of 3-5 top commercials in your industry, preferably the ones that sell products and made brands look great.

  1. Create a question set to find out main reasons for purchase:

For this example, include questions such as:

“After watching the ad you are ____ to purchase this product?” [Likert scale: much more likely – much less likely]

Please explain why you said you’re more likely or less likely to purchase after watching the ad: (open end)

  1. Analyze question set and generate insights:

Assume you received the following results:

89% said they are “much more likely” or “somewhat more likely” to purchase after watching the ad. Top Reasons for likelihood to purchase from verbatims:

  • 19% made me feel successful
  • 12% made me look powerful to peers
  • 10% made me feel unique

You know that people buy after watching the ads because it made them feel “successful”, “powerful”, and “unique”. You can use these feelings as Key Metrics for your next concepts so you can make the best commercials in your industry.

Looking to test your ads and increase sales? Spot Trender is a full-service ad testing company – we help our clients test their concepts/storyboards all the way to post-produced spots. For more information, Contact us today.

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