How To Create Value Through Advertising

People tend to purchase products/services that they find valuable. As advertisers, while we can’t change what we’re selling, we can alter how consumers perceive them.

At Spot Trender, we believe that you can’t improve what you can’t measure. Let’s examine how you can design a test to measure perceived value of a product after watching an ad.

For instance, you have two different spots to consider, and you need to pick the spot that would increase perceived value and purchase intent.

Test Design

After participants watch your videos, ask the following questions:

  1. Measure change in purchase intent:
    • After watching the ad, how likely are you to consider this product/service? (Single choice Likert scale, 5 options: much more likely to much less likely)
    • After watching the ad, how likely are you to purchase this product/service? (Single choice Likert scale, 5 options: much more likely to much less likely)
  2. Measure value perception:
    • Knowing that the product/service in the ad you just saw costs $X, please answer the following questions:
      • After seeing the ad, how valuable is this product/service to you compared to other similar products/services? (single choice Likert scale, 5 options: very valuable to not valuable at all)
  3. Measure value perception factors:
  • Please tell us how important is each of the following to you when considering a product/service like [your product service name]: (randomized grid question, 5 options each: very important to very unimportant)
    • Here you’ll list the features/benefits mentioned in your spots, and a few others that were not mentioned but you suspected consumers would be interested in them.


By analyzing the difference in purchase intent, you can understand which spot would probably sell more product. Typically, high purchase intent correlates positively with high perception of value.

More over, when you analyze the result from the important features/benefits question, you’ll have a much better idea on what consumers find valuable – helping you pick the winning spots and optimize for your next campaign.

Let’s create value!

Spot Trender is the world’s most advanced ad-testing platform with full-service enterprise support by Silicon Valley’s top data scientists and market researchers. We’ve work with top Fortune 500 brands to make better ads, optimizing important metrics such as Purchase Intent, Brand Opinion, Likability, and Likelihood to Act. We’d love to work with you! Contact us today.

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